Why This Blog?

If present me, had told past me I would someday stop procrastinating and pushing back my grand blog dreams, past me would have laughed.  Honestly!  I've always wanted to be able to say, "Oh yeah! I have a blog!" to my friends, and it sure took me long enough.

Readers, (If I have any😋), here's the deal.  You might not get an in-depth post from me every week. Some weeks I'm only going to be able to write a few sentences, and that's it. I'm not always going to make sense, and will probably talk a lot about how much my life is behind. And sometimes, you might find I'm my opinions on politics and my deep roots in conservative beliefs.  But the thing is that most other young people can relate to what I'm saying. We all get it! We are swamped with exams for school and/or projects for work. We figure we can get it done in the morning, and we sometimes feel like we are just drowning! Though it seems we never have any time, some of us find ourselves filling in our free time with YouTube spirals and television, and beating ourselves up about it, instead of giving ourselves the chance to breathe deeply, and fill up our spirits.

Hence the title of my blog.

One of my favorite times of my day is my coffee/devotional/sunrise hour in the mornings, (when I do wake up on time of course😉)  I love, love, love sitting, and sipping on a mug of fresh, frothy, Folgers.  to me there's nothing quite so good!  I drink coffee anytime of day of course, but my favorite time to poor myself a pick-me-upper,  is that precious 30 minutes of morning glory.  It's my space to breathe. To dig deep into my study-bible, and just bask in comforting relaxation! I feel utterly free and all it took was my bible, a cuppa-jo, and the freedom to let myself feel good! It's funny too! I've noticed that on the days I don't let myself start fresh, I have a more rushed, stressful day.

I'll tell you this dear readers: It wasn't the coffee.  Of course, what I believe is that my devotion is most of the solution, because it takes me to a place of peace in my savior.

But I also believe that part of it was time to relax, ease up, and lighten up on myself.

That's the reason I started "Coffee N' All of The Above". Because, when life is messy, and people are stressy, I know one of my truest remedies is my time to chill out with my mind, and warm up with a "creamy-cuppa"!

OK. Last thing before I go: In this blog my topics will probably range from facts about coffee, and ways to make it, to how life hurts, and why not to fake it (see what I dd there?) You'll often get a wide range of titles from me. Some weeks you might hear a review on different coffee creamers, and some a review on letting yourself breath. A lot of the time you're going to get my opinions on our country, and should feel free to respond however you like!  In short, this blog is about everything from life, to coffee, to learning how to let it go.

Thank you so much and I hope this will be a successful stress-away for myself and anyone who's been in that spot!

Remember, "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." ~Oscar Wilde

Don't forget your morning "bean-brew" this week!
Best, the Jane Austin Junkie


Hey Guys! Thank you for reading this weeks post! Please don't be shy!  Feel free subscribe to my blog!  It's an easy, no-fee process that only requires an email!  I'd love to send a weekly smile to your face!  Thanks Guys!


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